Adopt Microservices Architecture to Accelerate Innovation

Many organizations are replacing monolithic architecture with more flexible microservices. Through the microservices approach, engineering teams break larger software applications up into smaller independent services that scale and evolve more easily, both of which are crucial for modern applications.

On the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, the key to maximizing microservices architecture is knowing how to implement the right tools from the provider’s massive cloud solutions library. That’s where ClearScale comes in.

ClearScale has helped organizations worldwide transform legacy monolithic applications and adopt microservices architecture to accelerate innovation. Work with us to take your mission-critical applications to the next level.

“The sheer volume, variety, and velocity of building data we needed to ingest and process was incredibly daunting. Thanks to ClearScale, we were not only able to overcome those challenges, but also develop a highly scalable system that will allow us to grow as fast as we need to keep pace with our growing customer base.”

- Pete Fiacco, Site 1001, CTO

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Why Microservices?

  • Processing Power icon

    Processing Power

    Leverage containers and serverless architecture to make your microservices applications easier to run and support without sacrificing compute power.

  • Storage & Databases icon

    Storage & Databases

    Adopt cloud-native relational databases, NoSQL databases, unlimited object storage, and more that integrate seamlessly into microservices architecture.

  • Logging & Monitoring icon

    Logging & Monitoring

    Keep tabs on application performance and resource utilization across even the most complex microservices architecture using purpose-built AWS solutions.

  • DevOps icon


    Increase the efficiency of your overall DevOps lifecycle for microservices applications, allowing you to get to market faster.

Achieve Your Business Goals with ClearScale and AWS

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Improve Scalability

Scale independent services up as needed to meet peak demand, and estimate infrastructure costs more accurately for specific features.

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Accelerate Deployment

Enable CI/CD to facilitate application experimentation and iteration, allowing you to get the best possible products to your customers.

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Increase Resilience

Eliminate single points of failure and performance risk by replacing monolithic architecture with loosely coupled microservices.

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